Voyage of the Sea Serpent

Ahoy Mateys, welcome aboard the mighty Sea Serpent! Tonight, you’ll be sailing under the ruthless Captain Grim. Since you’re new here we’ll start you off with some odd jobs around the ship before we let you chart a course and maybe even fire the cannons. But we have to set sail immediately since the ship is being loaded up with treasure as we speak. So get ready to set sail and remember, always be on the lookout for pirates.

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Features: Pirate adventure, non-linear, high-tech, family friendly, fully immersive experience.

Medium (5/10).

For the best game experience, recommended group size is 3-6 players (Maximum room capacity: 8).

60 minutes

13 and above (We will NOT refuse anyone who is under the recommended age to play the game.)

Emotions and happy faces are the best gift ever! Send a friend, co-worker, or special someone on an adventure they will never forget.