The Last Winter

The Ice King has at last been defeated, but the seven realms of the West continue to wage war. The three eyed raven whispers of a new Ice King that will rally the remaining Night Stalkers and continue their quest for mankind’s destruction. To prevent the prophecy from coming true the rulers of the west have sent you, the bravest knights in all the realms to find the new ice king and put an end to his reign.

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Adventure, dark fantasy, linear, special effects, adjective puzzles, immersive.

Easy (4/10).

For the best game experience, recommended group size is 2-5 players (Maximum room capacity: 8).

60 minutes

13 and above (We will NOT refuse anyone who is under the recommended age to play the game.)

Emotions and happy faces are the best gift ever! Send a friend, co-worker, or special someone on an adventure they will never forget.